BIZ NUGGETS: Weekend roundup including Boeing’s missing airplane wall, Ackman’s soft logic, OpenAI admits to stealing, and ESG in Kentucky

Live from an ESG-shaped Bill Ackman blow-up doll, it’s yet another Manic Monday edition of Business Pants. Joined as always by Analyst-Hole Matt Moscardi! In today’s cornucopia of corporate governance delight called January 8, 2024: biz nuggets!

Our show today is being sponsored by Free Float Analytics, the only ESG data platform to measure real board influence and diversity power gaps


  • In our 'The resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay could have been 'much less tragic' if she had been a white man' headline of the week. The Alaska Airlines flight that lost a chunk of the plane mid-flight could have been 'much more tragic' if someone was seated next to the door

  • In our 'The resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay could have been 'much less tragic' if Bill Ackman was seated next to the door in the Alaska Airlines flight that lost a chunk of the plane mid-flight' headline of the week. The Alaska Airlines flight that lost a chunk of the plane mid-flight could have been 'much more tragic' if someone was seated next to the door, NTSB says

  • In our 'White Supremacists hit back at Bill Ackman and Elon Musk and Lululemon founder's anti-DEI comments: They 'DO reflect our company views'' headline of the week. Lululemon hits back at founder's anti-DEI comments: They 'do not reflect our company views'

    • Chip WIlson

  • In our 'Bill Ackman is investigating whether it is a fake black woman who was hired as part of a fake-DEI initiative ' headline of the week. A crypto fund appears to have invented a fake CEO to help trick investors

  • In our 'In a world where only 0.2% of directors fail to get reelected we finally found a reason for a board member to not put herself up for election. And please don't ask if it was a black woman' headline of the week. Elon Musk's drug use was so concerning it prompted a Tesla director to forgo a reelection bid, WSJ reports

    • Linda Johnson Rice



  • In our 'What could go wrong when someone with Covid and a few untreated wounds on their fingers hands you their unwashed Make America Great Again mug?' headline of the week. Starbucks workers say they're worried about the new reusable cup program

  • In our 'Hey Ma, is it Thursday yet? I'm closing on a new condo in South Beach. Tell Dad!' headline of the week. Top CEOs will make more in the first 4 days of 2024 than the average worker makes in a year, analysis shows

  • In our 'It sounds like Niraj Shah wants you to ignore the fact that Wayfair's share price is down over 80% in the past 3 years, from roughly $350 to $50, that women on his board hold only 9% total influence despite the fact that women make 70% of household purchasing decisions, and that there is nobody else to blame other than himself and his co-founder co-chair Cornell buddy Steven Conine because they control 76% of the company's voting power' headline of the week. Wayfair's CEO Wants Staff to Work Harder. Your Boss Probably Agrees.

  • In our 'Why is Ms. Templeton making a silent throat-slashing gesture in the corner? Look, now she's doing the fake gunshot to the head! Make her stop!' headline of the week. Microsoft executive Dee Templeton joins OpenAI board as a non-voting observer

    • The observer position means Microsoft's representative can attend OpenAI's board meetings and access confidential information


In our 'In a press release, the board stated, "we are aware of issues regarding potential substance abuse during company events by our CEO.  However, we stress that the company events in questions weren't this SPECIFIC company, it was the CEO's OTHER company.  Also, our CEO's brother has attested to the fact that they only OCCASIONALLY use drugs, but only after the company is asleep."' headline of the week. SpaceX executives worried Elon Musk was on drugs during 'cringeworthy' all-hands meeting, WSJ reports


WOKE WEDNESDAY: Bill Ackman removed the I from DEI, and Boeing’s board gets a bro report


2024 PREDICTION SHOW: AI Insurance, FedEx board turnover, Musk FIRES Linda Yaccarino, volcanic rock dust, unions, and Disney succession